Floral Tributes & Gravesite Care
Our job is caring for your loved one forever. That’s why we take great pride in caring for the grounds and grave sites at Union Dale. This regular maintenance and upkeep is provided at no additional cost. But many families choose to purchase extra services like headstone cleaning, or flowers and wreaths to honor a loved one during a holiday or special time of year. Call our office at 412-321-0774 to make a one-time purchase, place an annual order, or purchase an endowment for them.
Headstone and
Monument Services
Headstone cleaning and straightening is our most popular service through the endowment program. We keep your family's headstones looking their best whether they have been here for a few years or a century.
Our Options
Annual Orders
All services outlined below are available for annual order. Once an order is placed, the service will be filled automatically each year unless it is canceled. You are invoiced each time a service is completed at the current market rate.
Each year we decorate thousands of gravesites through the endowment program. When you purchase an endowment, we combine it with those of other endowments in a common fund. The annual income from this fund is used to defray the cost of services you choose, including a simple cut flower arrangement placed on a special day, geraniums planted for Memorial Day or as extensive as headstone cleaning of an entire lot. This assures your loved one’s final resting place will be cared for in perpetuity—no matter where you are. To learn more, call us at 412-321-0774.
We care for your
loved one forever
Floral Remembrances
Prices are subject to change
Tulip, lily, daffodil or hyacinth plant
Annual or Call In
Cut floral bouquet
Annual or Call In
Memorial Day
Geranium plant
Annual or Call In
$510 (4 plants)
Cut floral bouquet
Annual or Call In
Spruce blanket (with rosette at top of blanket)
Annual or Call In
Spruce rosette (red thistle, white statice, pine cones)
Annual or Call In
Decorated wreath (red thistle, white statice, pine cones with bow)
Annual or Call In
Red bow wreath
Annual or Call In
special Dates (anniversaries, birthdays, etc.)
Summer floral bouquet
Annual or Call In
Fall potted mum plant
Annual or Call In
Winter artificial bouquet
Annual or Call In
Spring artificial bouquet
Annual or Call In
Ivy grave covering
Annual or Call In